Related to quantum gender and the two-body solution to our current sorry state of mutual understanding of one another, I believe men get pregnant, too. We get pregnant with ideas. It is a real thing. It is real pregnancy. A woman has creative / emotional seeds analogous to a man's sperm. Men have creative "eggs" in their psychological / emotional body. Romantic love forms an energetic connection whereby the woman donates her creative seed to the man, the seeds swirl around, he can let one in and "run with it," let it impregnate him. In the aftermath, he is pregnant with possibilities, with an idea, and then gives birth to wondrous inspiration. I do not believe this is mere metaphor, but it is the emotional flipside counterpoint to physical pregnancy. We are designed so men plant a seed in women which is half of each and leads to new internal life growing and propagating the species. Women plant a seed in men which is also half of each (his new "genius idea" does come half from her in a literal sense), which promotes external growth and spread of the species. Babies keep us around, and external advancements.This may be why so many men, when recognized for great achievement, so passionately thank their wives, because they literally experienced pregnancy with their wives and know on some level that their contribution really was half from her. We think they are just being nice, romantic, appreciating her support giving him time and space to be a creative genius, but we think deep down maybe any maid, prostitute, chef, nanny combo could have done as much. But, no, she literally gave him the seed necessary for it. She literally is half of the creative force, just indirect and hidden, since humanity does not yet recognize the reality of emotional impregnation of men with ideas by women. (Note, I may owe thanks to women for my own ideas along these lines, cannot take all credit. I'm not that smart.)A downside is when a man opens himself up to romantic love, to receiving that creative spark, but is met with emotional abuse, it causes trauma akin to rape for a woman. For men, forced copulation is not a harm equivalent to what rape is to women. But we can suffer emotional rape that causes us trauma that does match the trauma of rape of women. Many men in our society are traumatized by emotional rape society does not even know exists. It would help if women recognized the risk of traumatic injury to their men if they greet the man, when he is high on romantic love, with a sudden and unexpected torrent of anger / rage. I am not "blaming" women, just describing what happens. The women may be subconsciously acting out misandry from years of abuses by men in their past.I am pretty sure we have devolved to a society wherein the majority of men are misogynists and the majority of women are misandrists, and we just keep hurting each other in relationships because of it. Well, I have more ideas on that, but for another time...
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